Here is a shortly guidance for your DIY at home. Come on.

Step1. Apply Powder to Conceal The Hairline

Starting from the front of your part, then dab powder, foundation cream or concealer that melted with your complexion on the parting and hairline with a brush, a little bit at a time. Not too much product or you will mess the stuff up of silk front wigs .

Use concealer/foundation cream/powder to make your hairline and parting look more natural and real.1160x550 px. 11-14-22.jpg


Step 2: Apply Wax Stick to Mold the Hairline

Apply wax stick(or got2b glue) directly along the hairline, they could fuse hair together to make the hairline more neat and natural, here you also could us a satin scarf to finalize the burgundy human hair wig style, that would be better(but not necessary).

Finally can make the whole look much more fabulous.


Step 3: Apply Hot Comb to Lay Hairline And Parting Flat

Run the hot comb along with the parting and hairline, this will make the parting & hairline more prominent, and put heat on the actual part to help it lay flat.


Step 4: Appy Hot Comb & Wax Stick Together to Creating a Melted Look

Apply the lace wax to your hairline, then go over it with the hot straightening comb, they work together to give you the really melted look. Looked as the wig wig made of sew in bundles grown on your own head.


One more kind remark, do this beforehand on a mannequin will make it more simpler for the following install.


Okay, here, have you cleared about the method, if no, there are many videos on Asteria Youtube Channel, why not watch?