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Choose The Most Suitable Wig

Have you ever had this problem? Sometimes, for the same cap size, we choose a closure wig that is suitable, but choosing a frontal wig is not suitable, or the opposite. This may be because each of us has a different head shape, so the suitable wig is also different. So how to choose the most suitable? We will help you find the answer on this page.

Round Faces

For those who have round faces, the widest part of your face will be your cheekbones, while the forehead and chin are rounded out. You can buy whatever wigs you like.

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Oval Faces

People with oval face shapes usually have very prominent and wide cheekbones. Their faces are usually rounded, and their jawline is curved around the edges. Their foreheads and jawlines are slightly smaller than their cheekbones. Since the forehead is not big, people with this face shape have no limit to choose any closue wigs or frontal wigs.

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Square Faces

If the length of your face is about equal to the width of your face, and your jaw is angular, your face shape is square. This face shape requires more lace area to do different styles, so people with square face shapes' best choice would be 13x6 frontal wigs, 5x5 closure wigs and 6x6 closure wigs

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Rectangle Faces

This face shape has softer and rounded edges. The jawline, cheekbones and forehead are about the same width. The length of the face is longer in comparison to the width. Because the skull is higher, 13x6 frontal wigs, 5x5 closure wigs and 6x6 closure wigs will help to get more lace area.

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Heart Faces

Heart shaped face has a wider forehead and a slender jawline. The cheekbones and forehead are the widest parts of this face shape. Generally speaking, people with this face shape can choose the type of wig they want.

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Diamond Faces

With diamond-shaped faces, people have a narrow forehead and chin, narrower compared to the cheekbones. Their hairline is usually smaller and is circular around the edges. Their faces appear longer and angular overall. Due to the moderate forehead width, 13x6 frontal wigs, and 13x4 frontal wigs, 5x5 closure wigs and 6x6 closure wigs can be chosen.

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