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Hair becomes abnormally dry after swimming, so why does the hair become dry after swimming? What should we do if the hair becomes dry after swimming? How does protect hair after swimming? Teach you how to maintain your hair when swimming in summer!

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Wigs on the market now have many colors, such as: Natural black/ Brown/ Blonde/ Burgundy. In addition to natural black, other colors need to be bleached or dyed, so they are more beautiful and attractive, because color can increase the sense of three-dimensionality and brighten the complexion.

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In recent years, more and more ladies choose to wear hair extensions to make themselves more pretty, it is becoming a part of their life. You must always contact with hair extension in daily life, whether directly or indirectly. However, do you know how we produce them? Are you interested in this process? Let’s go!

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Brazilian Hair extensions are considered by many to be the best type available. Authentic consists of 100% real human hair and is considered superior due to the intact cuticles. This type of hair is also aligned in the extension with the cuticles facing in the same direction, providing smoother, shiner, and Peruvian Hair that lasts longer and is more manageable than synthetic. Choosing the best hair extensions can be quite complicated, so before you buy, consider the types of Human Hair Bundles you are looking for and what you want the final result to be.

If you want the extensions to have a natural look, you need to choose a color and texture that is similar to your own. Different sources of hair extensions have different textures. For example, European hair tends to be finer in texture than Indian hair, and Chinese hair is straighter than Brazilian hair. The best way to tell if the extensions will suit your own hair is to hold a section of the extension up to your hair and run your fingers though it. If the two sections of hair blend well, then those extensions are likely a good choice.

When you are adding a pop or fashion color to your hair, then matching the color is not as important, but you should still make sure that the textures are similar for a more sophisticated look. The length of the extensions you buy should be based on how long you want the finished product to be. hair extensions are available in a range of lengths. It is best to choose a length longer than you are planning to wear your hair because the extensions often need to be cut to blend in after they are applied. Choose hand-wefted pieces if possible — these are usually less bulky than machine tied.

Finally, make sure that you buy the extensions from a reputable source that can provide you with some evidence of their authenticity. It is best to buy your extensions from a salon or hair shop because you really should be able to see and feel the quality of the hair before you purchase it, especially given the considerable cost of hair extensions. Buying the hair online can be risky as you will not be able to evaluate the product until you have already paid for it, and it is difficult to return once you have opened the package.

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Hair extensions are convenient and can enhance a person's appearance by giving them the ability to create the Brazilian Hair, style, color and texture of their preference. Heating fixed hair extensions is a plus because it keeps the heat off of the Body Wave Weave hair, thus minimizing damage. However, heating fixed hair extensions can cause damage to the hair extensions if not heated with caution. Proper maintenance for the Loose Deep Wave hair extensions must be done before heating to preserve the extension's appearance and longevity.

1. Make sure fixed hair extensions are clean before applying heat. Wash fixed hair extensions with shampoo thoroughly to remove oils, dirt and bacteria that can keep the hair from taking to any heat and styling. Comb the extensions with a wide-tooth comb when wet to detangle before blow drying.

2. When conditioning human hair extensions, let conditioner set for 15 to 30 minutes under a heated dryer to allow oils to penetrate your natural hair. Natural hair can be susceptible to dryness and breakage if it is not washed and conditioned on a daily basis.

3. When dry, part the Brazilian Hair in sections. Brush hair with a Denman brush before applying any heat.

4. Part the hair extensions off into sections. Parting the hair can make it easier to curl or straighten every strand without missing any sections.

5. Maintain a low to medium setting on heated curling irons or flat irons. Heat only human hair extensions because its fibers can tolerate a higher heat setting. Do not heat synthetic fixed hair extensions because they are resistant to heat.Use caution when blow-drying and curling fixed hair extensions. Burning the extensions can cause permanent damage. If hair extensions are burned, they will need to be replaced.

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You have got a new hairstyle, but don’t know how to take care of your hair extensions? Today we give you some great tips about how to treat your new locks in order to preserve their beautiful shine and how to keep them form tangling up. Hair extensions are a great way to quickly get yourself a new look. A new hairstyle can completely transform you and can give you confidence as well. But brazilian human hair extension will only stay this gorgeous if you put in a little effort and learn how to take care of them properly.

How to Wash?
Let’s start with one of the most important things: washing.
Keeping your hair clean is of major importance. Hair tangles when it is dirty so don’t forget to wash your hair as frequently as it is needed. Make sure to use a mild shampoo in order to protect your locks and ask your hairstylist for advice on which product should you use for your extensions.

First, brush your hair gently to untangle it before washing. Wet your hair gradually and don’t let it flow on your hair with total pressure because your tresses can easily get entangled.

How to Style?
The greatest enemy of hair extensions is heat. Therefore it is advisable to avoid curling irons and blow-drying as much as it is possible in order to ensure a longer life to your extensions.

Wash your hair with gentle shampoo and lukewarm water then use a conditioner and let it air-dry. You can wear your hair in ponytails, braids or buns with confidence.

When we are talking about styling hair, we have to make a difference between the extensions that are made of real hair and those that are made of synthetic hair. In the case of real hair extensions you can use the majority of your hairstyling tools in the same way as with your natural hair.

However, you have to pay more attention to the synthetic hair extensions. Depending on which type of hair extension do you have, your hairstylist can provide you with advices on this specific question as well.

As a general styling tip, we advise you to use paddle brushes with smooth bristles. When untangling your hair, make sure that you brush it gently, starting from the ends and going towards the top of your head.

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Hair extensions are a glamorous way to enhance your hair style and garner some extra attention. However, having hair extensions applied by a professional can be very expensive. One way to keep the cost down on hair extensions is to put in your own extensions. Tying hair extensions onto specially made clips is a great way to accomplish this task. Clips are convenient because you can remove them at night when you wash your hair or when you want a different look. This results in a healthier, happier head of hair.

1. Purchase all of the materials needed at your local beauty supply store. Buy Clip In Hair Extensions that are real hair, not synthetic hair. When you take the hair out of the package you will notice that it is a long weft of hair that looks much like a few yards of material. Cut the weft into smaller pieces of varying widths.

2. Open a clip. Make sure the snap side of the clip, not the straight side of the clip, is facing towards you. Place the straight side of the clip on the darker material that the hair is sewn onto.

3. Use the needle and thread to sew the clip onto the extension. Insert the needle through the extension with the needle coming towards you. Hold the thread with your thumb and loop the needle around again to form a knot. This will hold the clip securely in place. Then, continue to hook the thread through the clip, making sure the clip remains open with the snap side facing you.

4. When you reach the end of the clip, hold the thread with your thumb, loop the thread back around, tie a knot and cut off the thread.

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Every girl is dreaming of fabulous, long tresses like the Real Housewives but doesn't know much about human hair extensions. Well, you may be pleasantly surprised to know that most hair weft salons offer consultation appointments where you can discuss one on one with a specialist what method is best for you.

Referring Human hair textures, you will found that there are some different hair textures in the human hair Brazilian human hair, Indian human hair, Malaysian human hair, or Peruvian human hair etc. Different country names represent different hair textures.Here we will compare and explain four kinds of them.

Brazilian Human Hair
Brazilian Human hair is the most popular hair type in South Africa. The hair is typically soft, relatively thick and very durable. For this reason, the hair is suited to any style so it is always a great option whether you prefer a straight, wavy or curly style. Brazilian hair also handles color extremely well so if you buy Virgin Brazilian hair you can color the hair to any color you like. Due to the natural density, the hair has it is also less likely to frizz which is a big plus and you can also use fewer bundles to still maintain a full look.

Peruvian Human Hair
Peruvian hair has become extremely popular. This hair is extremely durable and versatile and for this reason, allows you to style and curl it repeatedly with great results. This makes Peruvian hair a great multi-purpose hair as you can constantly change your look and style without damaging the hair too much. The hair is extremely soft and slightly silkier than Brazilian hair. As Peruvian hair is still relatively rare it is also usually relatively more expensive than other hair types.

Malaysian Human Hair
Malaysian hair has become very popular especially amongst international and South African celebrities. The hair has a very luxurious feel to it and has a great natural shine. The shine is however not excessive and after a few washes look even more natural. The hair is very strong and for this reason, holds curls extremely well. If you want to experiment with fabulous and regular curling of your hair then this is a great option. The hair is generally a nice dark brown color. Like Brazilian hair, it also handles color well so if you buy Virgin Malaysian hair you can color the hair to any color or combination of colors you like.

Indian Human Hair
Indian hair is very high-quality hair and is highly regarded in the beauty industry. The hair is very light, airy, full of bounce and easy to style. Indian hair usually comes in a natural straight and natural wave style. If you are looking for a natural wave style then this is the hair for you. Indian hair is also very popular because it does not tangle, shed easily or lose its natural wavy look.

A human hair weave is a great option to protect your hair because it can allow your hair to grow and give it a break from heat damage and overloading it with products. Sew-in weaves allow you to have any length, texture, and color that you want!

With this introduction of weaving hair, we hope this glossary helped you feel more prepared to protect your hair and made you more confident in your decision to get a weave.Remy hair weave bundles and virgin hair weave bundles are both your best choice for hair extensions.And be remember that take good care of hair is also important to extend the service life.

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Wigs have been used as a fashion accessory from the earliest of days itself. Though it has often been associated as something to cover up baldness, it is today used mainly as a real fashion accessory. It is used widely and more popular because it helps in changing the look and appearance of a person.

Hair wigs or hair extensions are particularly famous with women as they are provided with a distinctive styling. Wigs can really help a woman to look more beautiful and it is the reason why the young and old alike are on the hunt for quality wigs. With many types of wigs available, each in different styles and make, there are a plenty of styling options for women. And one among them is the 360 lace frontal wigs.

360 lace frontal wigs are full wigs and they have a bigger parting space that provides a more natural look. For a realistic feeling, these wigs will have a pre-plucked hairline and soft natural hairs. What is best with this wig is that it can be used to style your hair in the way you wish, and this wig is specially suited for ponytails and updos. 360 lace frontal wigs comes in bundles, and just with a couple of them you can get a thick and full wig.

360 lace frontal wigs comes with a freestyle parting feature so that you can part your hair in any desired direction. Hair extensions are widely used now to add fullness to the human hair that can provide a variety of styling options. With this hair extension, you can have more depth in styling options. You would also needn't worry about the edges showing.

With 360 lace frontal wigs, your scalp will breathe more easier and you also won’t have the annoying feeling of itching on the skin. 360 lace frontal wigs helps you to tailor the hair in the way you want. If you are trying to cover up hair loss, you can enrich the hair where the hair is missing, even though it is in the front, where it is always so difficult to hide.

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Virgin hair extensions is very beautiful and opulent, that is made of virgin human hair, they have got turned into a trend statement and a symbol of status in themselves with that. However, everything they are worth it to do, hair extensions are expensive and should be treated like an investment. They will be worn for as long as a year or even more, but it will look good with take a good care proper. Similarly to your own natural hair, your extensions have to be taken care of if you would like them to last look good.

There are 3 phases involved in caring for you virgin hair extensions. The first phase is pre-install, the period of time before you have your extensions installed. During pre-install, the first thing that you need to do is seal your wefts on both sides. This is the single most important step in preserving the longevity of your extensions. Sealing your wefts will keep your extensions from shedding. You may even be able to find it at your local beauty supply. After your weft sealant has thoroughly dried, co wash your extensions with a cleansing conditioner. DSorry for yelling, but this can't be stressed enough. Shampooing your virgin hair extensions can leave them dry and dull. Lastly, show a little virgin hair love with a deep conditioning... your extensions will thank you.

The second phase of caring for your virgin hair extensions is the actual install. There are only two things that you need to know here. 1. Don't cut your extensions. If you cut the weft on your virgin hair extensions they will shed even if you applied weft sealer. If you leave your wefts intact after your wefts are sealed you will see very little shedding. So, instead of cutting your wefts, flip them. 2. Avoid using bonding or glue if at all possible. Yes, you can have virgin hair extensions bonded or quick weaved if you choose. However, the process used to removed the glue from the hair tracts also weakens the tract, and you're back to shedding.

The last phase of caring for your virgin hair extensions is the fun part, rocking that fabulous hair! There are some things that you need to know. Since your extensions are not attached to your scalp they don't benefit from the natural oils that your scalp produces. In order to stay soft and shiny your extensions need to be moisturized. Don't use hair grease. Hair grease doesn't dry and will cause your extensions to matte and beard. I recommend using argon oil to moisturize your extensions and to prevent damage when using styling irons. I know it's a pain but yes, you still need to tie your hair up night, (beauty is pain.) Sleep in a silk or sating scarf and always use a high quality wig brush. If you follow these few simple steps you'll protect your investment and enjoy your virgin hair extensions for months to come.

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Wearing interlock hair extensions is a stress-free styling option that can also expand your fashion repertoire. Giving your natural hair a break from heated styling and chemical processing can restore strength and prevent breakage. Learning to do interlock hair extensions involves caring for your natural hair as well as properly securing the hair extensions.

1. Wash and condition your natural hair. Use a protein shampoo followed by a cholesterol conditioner for deep cleansing and strengthening. Apply a generous amount of leave-in condition and allow your hair to dry completely. Use a wide-tooth comb to detangle your hair from root to tip. Add a protective layer of oil sheen or hair grease into your hair. This adds luster and protects your hair and scalp from dryness.

2. Cornrow your natural hair into the desired pattern. Find the center of your scalp with a rat-tail comb and begin parting your hair in the desired direction. Make an additional part and cornrow your hair into place. Continue until all natural hair is braided into place. Avoid making the cornrows too thick, as this can make the finished style appear flat. Consider braiding your hair into a beehive pattern for increased styling versatility and ease of hiding the underlying cornrows.

3. Cut the extensions to the desired length using sharp hair scissors. Lay the extensions on a clean, flat surface. Although prebraided extensions are most commonly used in interlock weaving, loose hair extensions can also be used. When using loose hair extensions, care must be taken to avoid losing hair to fan circulation.

4. Secure the hair extensions onto the latch hook. Pinch the desired amount of hair extensions away from the pile. Slip the hair extensions through the loop of the interlock tool. Continue pushing the extensions through the loop until equal amounts appear on both sides. Ensure the latch is closed before attempting to attach the hair extensions. When using prebraided hair extensions, use one to two braids for each application. When using loose hair extensions, pinch a small amount of hair for each application, making adjustments for desired fullness.

5. Attach the hair extensions onto the cornrows. Slide the latch hook underneath the cornrow and unhook the latch to release it from the hair. Pull the free ends of the hair extension through the looped end of the hair extension. This should result in a small section of the cornrow being completely covered by the hair extension. Repeat this process until all cornrows are covered with hair extensions. Cut the hair extensions into the desired style.

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We can believe that everyone wants to have a long and silky hair, but your hair is so tangle and dry that makes you have to cut it or braid it together. Don’t be confused, Maybe you will like hair extension.

Then, do you know hair extension? Please follow me to know hair extensions.

There are many types, styles and size of hair extensions, and you can choose it as you like in hair stores, for example: 30 inch human hair weave, curly hair bundles with closure. Moreover, hair extensions have many different kinds of colors. Certainly, Hair extensions have different prices according their qualities and characters. Depending on your budget, you will can choose a style of hair you want.

If you want to have cheap hair extensions, maybe you will choose buy a hair made of synthetic fiber, it’s cheaper but it doesn't seem worth having. It will not be used for a long time just about 5-6 months. Its color is brighter but looks not natural. And you can’t use the heat or change any styles you want. Because the hair extensions which is made of synthetic fiber will be damaged if you use the high heat.

So the most of experts want to get the hair made of 100% natural human hair. It is remy hair and it looks so natural ,soft and silky. Remy human hair will be last for longer time than synthetic fiber. It can be dyed, bleached and restyled as you like. More than that, remy hair is always tangle free and shedding free. You can do everything you want with the hair extensions like your own natural hair. And it won’t be faded the color during using.

On the other hand, many customers always feel confused when they choose the hair extensions. There are various kinds of human hair, for example, Peruvian hair, Brazilian hair, Inidian hair, Malaysian hair and so on.

It was found that, Brazilian hair has been popular in the world. Most of people think about Brazilian hair is the best choice.

Most of users know that Brazilian hair is thick and pretty heavy. However, Brazilian hair is very soft, silky and healthy. Brazilian virgin hair is one of the most beautiful hair in the world. Natural colors are mainly black or dark brown. Brazilian hair suits with all types of styles: straight, body and even curly. Due to healthy, thick and durable hair, durable, Brazilian always can be used for longer time than other hair types. Because of this, most people prefer Brazilian hair extension which is cut from a single young people from Brazil. 


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